
Monthly Diary 21/12/2011

The past month has being a hectic one for us. We have received a lot of feedback for our trailer so have had to change it constantly to try and help us achieve the best possible grade. We aim for our trailer to receive an A-Grade so we're always looking for feedback from our teacher and peers who have all seen the transformation from just an idea to a reality.
Within this month, it has seen us create two attempts of our trailer (Currently Producing the 3rd) allowing a lot of feedback and ideas to how to improve. We also finished filming 1 or 2 clips at the beginning of the month, with the last 2 weeks mainly being used to formulate a sequence for the trailer.
At this moment in time were editing a 3rd attempt with the feedback we got from the second resulting in us having to change the whole sequence. We hope for this edit to be done in the next week and up on the blog, hoping for more feedback to come from this.

Wonderland 2nd Draft

Here is our 2nd attempt for our trailer 'Wonderland'. Like the first attempt we showed it to our peers and teacher, who again helped us with some feedback.

From showing our first attempt to our teacher, we gained some feedback to help us improve and in turn created this attempt. Like every media outlet feedback is always needed, and our second attempt reached a lot of new feedback.

Here is what our teachers and peers thought for improvements;
-Make a Black and white contrast of some clips to differentiate between the 'present' and the 'past'.
- Take out the clips that saw the main characters on the bench.
-Change the sequence of the trailer to make the audience understand the storyline better.
-Add more 'drug taking' scenes.
-Add another voice over.
-Make him walk slower when walking through the graveyard. Show it's a graveyard.
-More scenes of the two main characters interacting in the 'wonderland' state.

This shows to be a lot of work and a small bit of filming needing to be added. With that in mind, we hope to get it done as quick as possible achieving the best grad when moving onto the next stage of the project.


Wonderland 1st Draft

Today we play our first draft of our trailer 'Wonderland', here are some comments my peers and teachers have given us to improve our trailer.
·         -Focus more on the opening shot. A longer look at him walking down the graveyard, along with voice over of what’s happened.
·         -Make it clear she died in the car crash. Show him having a negative response and becoming suicidal.
·         -More clear on story line, with regards to drugs.
·         -Mugging scene needs a POV shot.
·         -Needs more emotional factors. For example Rob over the phone when she’s hit by car.
·         -Re-arrange the two forest clips. Make it clear he woke up there.
·         -Need to make it clear wills meets the drug dealer.
·         -Change the music so it’s not continuously play.
Our first draft was 1 minute 34 seconds and so needs further clips to push it up to the 2 minutes and beyond stage. We do have clips still to add and we hope along with the improvements mentioned, our trailer ‘Wonderland’ can achieve the top possible grade.


Design of 'Final Title' Sequence

Here is or final title sequence we have designed. We have worked to include our production company name, as well as the title and when its released.


Monthly Diary 24/11/2011

Like the previous month, this month has focused around us filming and getting ready for the editing stage starting in about a weeks time. We have one final date of filming where we will gain our final two clips, then move onto editing.
Within the month we have filmed about 10-15 thorough clips, allowing us to pick out the bits we feel will be 100% neccessary for the calibre of a trailer. These clips ranged from a number of location including some in the drug den, to clips filmed within the 'wonderland' state. Its been a postive month for the group picking up a good range of clips ready for editing.
With the trailer aimed to be finished by the 16th Decemeber, it will give us just over two weeks to focus on the editing allowing us plenty of time to change anything if needs be. We aim for the trailer to be around 2 and a half minutes long and we hope for 'Wonderland' to be a sucess.


Film Stages

The main way the entire process of a film can be viewed is through the idea that there are 3 main stages. Production, distribution and exhibitions are these and each holds aspects and factors that can essentially make a film.

·        Motivation
·        Stakeholders
·        Finance
·        Independent cinema
·        High Concept

These stages all link and allow flow onto the next stage, allowing the idea to eventually set up for the film creation. It starts with the motivation where an idea will be in place and this motivation being needed to support it and go forward. To help make the entire process of the film go forward, money will be needed and so stakeholders will have to be put in place for this to happen. To get stakeholders, various pitches will have to be arranged to companies explaining what the films about, characters, cast etc. It's also pitched to groups of the public, trying to determine that it will either;

1. Be successful.
2. Will it appeal to the approached target audience.

2. Distribution
·        Unique selling points
·        Costs
·        Case studies
·        Trailer Conventions
·        Marketing Strategy

The next stage is distribution  and this involves the whole marketing and advertising side of making a film. This very much links in with finance, where the advertising and marketing aspects are all influences by how much money the project has. This will include trailers, posters and test screening all features included in making a successful film.
Before a marketing strategy can take place though, unique selling points will have to be in place to attract people to the film. This can be displayed none more so that through the cast which holds massive dividance to the success of the film. The cast are who will attract people to the film , and along with good plot selling points and a lot of money can result in only financial success.

·        Cinema screens
·        Mode
·        Exit Polls
·        Audience figures
·        Audience Stratification

The exhibition stage focuses after the release of the film and the facts and figures. The data collected focuses on a number of things including, how they heard about the film, the best of the part film, what attracted them to go see it. From here the companies of the film can see whether the film for the audience has been a success, and for many films results in perhaps a sequel or even prequel.


Film Clips Audience Feedback

Here are 3 scenes from our film trailer so far. We have tried to select a range of different clips including a sound clip, movement clip and caption.
  • The first clip is a speech clip that we aim to split up and mainly use for the speech itself.
  • The second clip focuses on our character waking up in 'wonderland' for the first time. An influential clip for the trailer.
  • The final clip will be used for captions showing the character supposedly doing a line of cocaine (sherbert).


Monthly Diary 24/10/2011

Between the 24th and 31st of October, my school had a half term. As a group we therfore had no lessons, and this allowed us plenty of time to film.
Working within the film schedule, we aimed to get a lot of the clips done before the selected dates ending in a very productive half term. From here i saved the clips within order, showing positive organisational skills for when we have to edit.
With us being ahead of our film schedule allows us to have time at the end for editing, a process thats very important to the outcome of the trailer.


'Wonderland' Storyboard

Here is our estimated storyboard for our trailer 'Wonderland'. We've tried to incorporate every shot in the order it will appear in the trailer hopefully resulting in an order that doesnt involve too much sequential attributes, something that when presenting our idea was brought up.

See 'Wonderland Feeback with Mr Morris' for another look at what he had to say.

Above shows the first 8 scenes of our film trailer 'Wonderland'. It demonstartes on a number of scenes, giving away no obvious plot to the audience.

Out of all the storyboard sheets, these 8 scenes shows the most sequential order with 4/8 shots within this coming from one scene.

As you can see these shots focus on Rob and his time in the drug den.

These scenes shows Rob and Alice in 'Wonderland'.

The last few shots focus on the build up to the end, showing Rob in a desperate trance with the film finally ending by the closing of a door.


'Wonderland' Script

Here is our potential script for our film 'Wonderland'.

Will= Rob
Elle= Alice
Green screen. Age rating of trailer.

1.Elle and Will going out.

Walking along holding hands.
Will: So, what are you doing tomorrow night?
Elle: I hope you haven’t forgotten it’s our anniversary.
Will: Don’t worry, I’ve got everything planned. Just don’t stand me up.

2.Phone call, car headlights.
Will standing outside restaurant, looking at the time on his phone, then calls Elle.
Will: Where are you?
Elle: I’m just running late, I should be there soon
Elle walks out into the road.
Head lights appear, camera fades, hear car brakes, phone cuts off.

Will walking out of a graveyard in a suit.

4.Meeting the drug dealer.
Tyler leaning against a wall in an alleyway.
Will walks past and Tyler stops him.
Tyler: Alright Rob? What you up to?
(No reply from Will)
Tyler: Do you want to buy some gear?
(No reply.)
Tyler: Come with me, we’ll have a chat.

5.Going to ‘wonderland’.
P.O.V. shot showing Will walking into Wonderland apartment.
Looking into rooms of drug addicts.
Passed out in Jesus position.
Drug addict rocking in a room.

6.Taking a hit.
Will takes a shot of heroin.
Wonderland apartment turns into wonderland forest.

7.Wonderland forest.
Will sees silhouette of Elle in wonderland.

8.Establish the cast.
Will Derry – Reality (running into shot, looking through stolen wallet).
Elle Rossiter – Reality (looking in the mirror, getting ready for night out).
Tyler Andrews – Reality (snorts cocaine then looks up at camera)

8.Mugging scene.
Mikey walking along.
Will walking opposite way.
Will pushing Mikey into a wall and get out a knife.
Will: Give me your money.
Mikey: Get off me!
Close up of knife.
Will stabs Mikey.

9.Will and Elle talking in wonderland forest.
Elle: Why are you here?
Will: I had to come see you.
Elle: You shouldn’t have come. (Blood starts dripping from her mouth)
Elle steps back.
The sound of the car break is heard.
Will turns around, there’s nothing there.
Will looks back at Elle.
Elle is in the same clothes the night she was hit.
Elle’s clothes are torn with bloodstains with blood dripping from her mouth. Mangled

10.Dramatic argument between Tyler and Will.
In wonderland, the apartment.
Tyler: sorry, I cant let you in
Will: no you have to, I need to get I there
Tyler: I should never of started you on this, just get out now while you still can.
Will: Its to late now, let me in !
(scuffle ensues )

Will sitting in wonderland apartment alone.Will standing in wonderland forest (raining) alone.

Title of the film.


'Wonderland' Feeback with Mr Morris

After presenting our 'Wonderland' presentation we asked our Media teacher Mr Morris for some feedback on aspects surrounding the plot.
From his feedback we can try and take potential weak spots to the trailer and manouvre them into positives hopefully resulting in success for the trailer.

Link to Presentation:


Saving Private Ryan Trailer Analysis

Saving Private Ryan is to many, one of the greatest war films ever made. It’s in detail look of how the Normandy landings happened left the audience captivated and shocked by its realism.
The Normandy landings scene lasts 27 minutes and demonstrates a real in-depth look to how its really happened. Its use of camera angles and movement allowed the audience to feel like they were really within the film and acting as one of the soldiers. This camera work didn’t just last throughout this 27 minutes but all the way through the film, allowing the audience to feel connected with the characters throughout.

Here is a image of a good camera shot

Below is trailer analysis of Saving Private Ryan;


Filming Schedule

Here is our estimated film schedule for our trailer wonderland. Weve tried to split our scenes up into seperate shots allowing us to set a certain date for each shot. With some scenes there are very similiar shots and stuff we can do quickly and relatively easily. With this in mind you will see certain dates coming up 3 or 4 times explaining that we aim to do more than 1 shot per day of filming.

The start date of filming is Saturday October 15th and we aim to finish filming and start editing around early Decemeber. We understand that some of these dates people will be away and filming wont be able to commend. Taking this into account, we have incorporated a contigency time to allow us to finish filming certain scenes and be ready for editing.


Wonderland Presentation

Here is our presentation for our film trailer 'Wonderland'. Within the presentation we have tried to touch on a number of different features and aspects that will be involved throughout the entire process.
Planning our trailer early allowed us to get some feedback from our peers and see whether they feel that this is achievable.


Practice Film and Feedback

In the build up to planning our main trailer for our coursework, me and my group were asked to complete a practice film to help establish an understanding of what we needed to do for the real thing. Though this was a short film and not a trailer, the main aim of the ask was to prepare us for the real thing, taking into account camera angles, mise en scene, codes and conventions and editing. Once it was finished, we then had to present our film to the rest of our class, where we could then take on audience feedback and look for things to add when making the real trailer.

With regards to the audience feedback, we asked this via a small questionnaire asking questions relating to all aspects of the short film. These were;

1. How did you find are use of camera angles?

2. Was the location good for the plot?

3. Did the music fit the flow of the film?

4. Was it edited well?

5. Was there anything you think we could of done to improve it?

We were told not to focus entirely on a storyline and plot, but much rather the camera angles and use of location, two aspects that any film needs to gain positive feedback and something that when it comes to our trailer needs to be heavily focused on.

Above shows our short film.

What it's about
The film is based on a boy who gets attacked on the way home from school. After to starting to walk with a friend from school, the two break off to go separate ways home only to find one is being followed and eventually attacked. It focuses on the boy walking down a footpath which leads to a country road, where he is eventually attacked and dragged away.

1. Camera Angles
We tried to focus on a number of camera angles, trying to understand the best way to film them and what in affect works best. We didn't pick random angles, but focused on all aspects of the overall film, trying to incorporate sound and editing as these aspects. The first minute of the film concentrates on the beat of chosen song, with the camera angle of the boy being changed when the beat hits. Incorporating this helps the film flow and helps build the film up to an ending.
Below shows 4 of the camera angles used within the first minute.

Camera Angle Feedback
The question from the questionnaire asked the audience whether they found the use of our camera angles effective. We asked a few people on their thoughts of this. The majority people said that they thought are angles were positive and they incorporated a good inter-link with our music and allowed the film to flow. Two of them said that they liked the way the camera angles changed when the beat of the music hit, something that happened throughout the first minute every 5-6 seconds.
Trying to incorporate this flow with the music is something that we hope to do with the trailer, hopefully giving it suspense and tension throughout.

2. Location
We based our short film within an alleyway next to our school. What made the alleyway effective was its width, which allowed us to film the main character without getting the cameraman in the way, not making the area feel cramped. What also helped was the use of overlapping trees on the video. This helped the mood and added tension to the audience, which also helped on the on top of the build up music.  

 Example of an alley
Location Feedback
The question from the questionnaire asked the audience whether the location was a good fit for the plot. From what we found, the location was positively thought of with the majority again thinking the location was a good fit that complemented the music and flow. However, two people thought that the film should have branched out of the alley way helping make it more exciting.
We took this onboard and will take the importance of changing location in the main trailer.

3. Music
For this film we decided to pick the music after we had filmed, editing every scene to the music. We chose the music as the ‘Jaws’ theme song where it builds up to the sharks attack. We took this thought into our film where the boy walks and the tension build up to where he is finally attacked.
Like previously mentioned, we incorporated the beat of the song as a way of tension, where the camera angle changes when hits a certain beat. This adds a good flow and both act as tension builders to the eventual attack.
Music Feedback
From our questionnaire, the question asked them whether the music helped fit the flow of the film. This was also positively thought of with the majority saying the location and change of camera angles working really well and complementing the overall finish.

4. Editing
Like I mentioned within the music section, I used all aspects within the editing stage. The main way I edited was with the music and camera angles, where I matched the beat to changing camera angle. I did this with the camera going black when the beat hit, then instantly changing.
I also edited the very final conscious scene of the boy, where he looks left and right in the road and gets hit by the stalker. I slowed this down building the tension with the use of the music, with the film finally finishing after this.

Example of editing software

Editing Feedback
Within our questionnaire we asked whether it was edited well. We explained the process with the camera angles and the music and again we found a positive response. They all said it worked well, other than one person who explained how the editing was too obvious and should be designed in a well hidden way. Making editing too obvious makes the film work look sloppy and looks like it lacks any effort and thought.

5. Was there anything that you think could have been improved?
Due to this being a practice film, improvement is an important feature to be taken account for when we make the main trailer. We asked this in our questionnaire and have received a positive response of think that could have helped improve out video. These are as follows;

·         More Scenes Outside The Alley. Some said the alley was boring to have constantly throughout the film and wanted to see us do something more outside. This shows us that branching out of locations is important to stop tedious factors stepping in and something we will take into account when filming our trailer.

·         Cutting Down The Walking Scenes. The first minute is surrounded by the boy walking down the alley way, with the camera angle changing based on the beat of the music. For many, this was very uninteresting and wanted something to happen. They didn’t see the point and would of much rather see us move straight into action as soon as we can. Taking this into account, we now know dwelling on the same type of shot is tedious for the audience and this shouldn’t happen with our trailer.

·         Diagetic Sound. Many thought that the lack of diagetic sound was poor as it showed no connection between the audience and main character. Instead Non-diagetic was shown with the music, and this played throughout blocking out nay external voices and noises. For our trailer however we know the importance of communication and will incorporate diagetic sound into it.

How will the practice film will help our trailer?
The whole point of making this short film was helping us build our understanding for when we make our trailer. We focused on filming, editing and acting, trying to establish a balance that was both believable and appealing.
Taking into account for what the audience said, it clear that changing aspects and keeping the audience on their toes is important, as well as sticking to a storyline that intrigues them too.
Taking on what we’ve learnt from the feedback and the features we have gained knowledge of with our filming and acting, we hope to make our trailer innovative and unique hopefully captivating the audience and resulting with good feedback at the end.

Monthly Diary 25/09/2011

During the past week, the lessons focus has been on planning for our main coursework trailer. What was involved was trying to create an idea and in turn think up the props, setting, location, story and the cast for this. We then had to establish this into a PowerPoint presentation which we then presented to the rest of the class and on camera. We used the class as a good use of audience feedback, helping get their ideas and thoughts on what could improve our trailer idea and whether it will be reasonable to make.
The response came back fairly positive, with a number of people excited by our idea and potential trailer.  The negative feedback we got was mainly to do the subliminal extras we planned to put in. After analysing this, we took this feedback on board and hope to improve it for once the filming starts.

Pulp Fiction Case Study

Director = Quentin Tarantino

Writer = Quentin Tarantino, Roger Avary

Cast = John Travolta
            Samuel L Jackson
            Bruce Willis
            Christopher Walker

Genre = Crime and Action

Release Date = October 1994

Budget = $8.5 Million

Box Office Revenue = $212.19 Million

Pulp Fiction was a film released in October 1994 that focuses on three different storylines all of which interact as the film goes along. Its use of three storylines conveys a number of different actors having to be used, all of which are main characters in their small respected story lines.
Attempting to get 3 main characters was a tough task, but with Quentin Tarantino as the director, part of a number successful films, trying to attract 3 stars to such a well written film wasn’t hard and resulted in Samuel L Jackson, John Travolta and Bruce Willis starring, 3 of the biggest film stars in the world at that time.
Taking into account these 3 huge stars as well as Quentin Tarantino, its build up to its release was massively reported with all of these stars regularly being reported in the media world. Having these stars resulted in its release being very successful, with a box office revenue of $212.19 million being taken. Its use of development, marketing and distribution built a profitable success and resulted in changing the whole effect on modern-day independent cinema.                                                                                                                      


Saving Private Ryan Case Study

Director= Steven Spielberg

Producers = Ian Bryce

Writer = Robert Rodat                                                     

Cast = Tom Hanks
            Matt Damon
            Tom Sizemore
            Barry Pepper

Genre= Action and Drama

Budget = $70 million

Box Office Revenue = $481, 840, 909

Before Steven Spielberg took the job as the director of ‘Saving Private Ryan’, he was already an acclaimed director with his films including ‘Jaws’ and ‘Jurassic Park’ both of which were  hugely successful. The film surrounds a group of men who go looking for a soldier to take back home. This is due to him having 3 other brothers all of which had died in the previous weeks, resulting in his mother having to receive all 3 death letters at the same time. With the Lieutenant realising this, they decided to go on a mission to find the fourth brother to take home to his mother, attempting to save her even more heartache.
The main character throughout the film was played by Tom Hanks, a notable actor who had previously worked with Spielberg in a number of other films, all of which successful. Combining the two again was a brilliant way of advertising the film, with Tom Hanks constantly in the shadow of the media helping the film gain recognition up to its release. Many people know Hanks as a brilliant actor and will often see his films regardless of whether their good or bad. From a business point of view, this is a winning formula and resulted in the film taking revenue of $481 million during box office weekend.
Other than the cast and director, the film was massively acclaimed for its realism especially for its battle scene on Omaha Beach where its pure and gory outlook on the day put many viewers under stress when viewing. This took film scenes to a new level and outright deserved its plaudits for the way the film was brought together and edited. With this idea of realism coming together with the cast and director, this film was one of the most successful films of all time and even now years later, is being regarded as a brilliant modern day war film.


Film Industry Timeline

1)      Idea
Where a writer, producer or director come up with a film.
2)      Development Finance
Once an idea has to created, they will then go to a group of investors pitching the film idea. If they feel it’s a strong film and want to invest in it, this will give the writers and producers money to develop the idea.
3)      Script Development
An outline which breaks the scenes up. Sales treatment is needed for this, which is a small synopsis that gives the reader a quick/brief idea of what the film entails.
4)      Packaging Moment
The chance for possible merchandise is available for the film. From here the genre can be established, as well as uncover potential cast names for the film.
5)      Financing
Covers costs including investors and the chance for pre-sales as well as completion bonds, which is insurance that covers the film if it doesn’t get finished.
6)      Pre-Production
Storyboarding, casting, equipment, set design and editing.
7)      The Shoot
The filming side .
8)      Post Production
Editing and sound effects are added in.
9)      Getting a distributor
Once the film is finished, searching for a distributor who will release the film successfully.

Here is an example of film merchandise for James Bond


Audience Feedback For Film Pitch

During my previous lesson, we were asked to create a film proposal and then pitch this idea back to the class. Before I could do this, I had to take into account various attributes that are needed for the success of any film. These included setting/props, target audience, relationships, genre and of course the title.
To make it easier, we broke away into little groups and proposed our ideas to each other, taking on feedback as well as advice to how it could be better. What made this helpful also was that I got the opportunity to here other ideas, and find comparisons between them. I could then go away and make improvements to my idea from what I’ve just heard, allowing me to provide a new much stronger proposal for my film.


Coursework Brief and Film Pitch

For my A-Level coursework this year, I have been revealed two options to how I want to tackle the course this year. Both can be laid down as packages, with one surrounding around a ‘5 minute short film’ and the other a ‘teaser trailer’. Each package has a further 3 options in which I must choose 2 of these to complete by hand in next April.  These are as follows.

1.      A promotion package for a new film, to include a teaser trailer, together with two of the following three options:

·        a website homepage for the film;
·        a film magazine front cover, featuring the film;
·        a poster for the film.

2.      A short film in its entirety, lasting approximately five minutes, which may be live action or animated or a combination of both, together with two of the following three options:

·        a poster for the film;
·        a radio trailer for the film;
·        a film magazine review page featuring the film.

What I think?
Finding the best package that will fit me as an individual is very important, so taking into account all points is crucial to the overall finish. For it to be successful, parts of the package have to suit me and obtain a healthy interest for me to strive to the best of my ability.
Obtaining a well balanced workload is also vital to the success of anything and is no different within my coursework. Taking into account my approach and dedication has to recognised, and with this picking a suitable package that doesn’t overwhelm my further studies needs to be established.
As well as this, I won’t pick what package to go for until I have come up with suitable ideas for both. Only then can I look at what’s in front of me and choose the best one for success.

Though I am deliberating this as if I was working on my own, I am actually going to be working within groups for the film or trailer. Giving my point of view and options as a person is very important as it allows the group to assign roles that vitalise everyone’s strengths. Exposing that my key strength is editing will hopefully display me with a role around this area, or if not something close.

Film Idea
Establishing ideas is a very important role for any film, as is the same for a trailer. With each of the group taking down possible ideas, allows us to look at a wide range of potential attributes where we can then discuss and mix and match if needs be. One idea could be as follows;

Potential Film Title (will be the same for trailer) – ‘Innocent Intentions’


Setting/Props- Begins in a small house within the living room and kitchen.
                          Tool box, Wrench, Dirty Shirt, 3 bodies on Floor, Note.

One key scene- Main character Gregory Hammond walks into his house to see his wife and 2 kids murdered on the floor or living room. Overwhelmed by what’s happened he kneels down beside them taking in what’s happened, and pleading that there still alive. By looking around the room he tried to establish what’s happened taking note of a number of props that are linked to him, with his clothes and tool box opened and covered in blood.  A note is then found saying ‘You deserved it. Signed GH’. Seeing his initial allows him to put 2 and 2 together and realise that he’s been set up for the murder of his family. Realising this, he’s takes his jacket kisses his dead wife and children and fleas crying and angry, in search of who ever did this and why.

Unique selling point – The idea of an average family man going after a killer in search of answers and justice.

Relationship to films-My film idea bases itself around the set up of innocent people and how they react to the given situation.  One similar example of this is ‘Shooter’ where a man is set up to assassinate the president when he gives a far two accurate positioning of a shooting. He is shot and on the run from the authorities for the remainder of the film.

Target audience – My film is targeted at males aged between 18 and 30. The idea of violence and killing is something very prominent within this category and I think with work can become successful.