
Film Stages

The main way the entire process of a film can be viewed is through the idea that there are 3 main stages. Production, distribution and exhibitions are these and each holds aspects and factors that can essentially make a film.

·        Motivation
·        Stakeholders
·        Finance
·        Independent cinema
·        High Concept

These stages all link and allow flow onto the next stage, allowing the idea to eventually set up for the film creation. It starts with the motivation where an idea will be in place and this motivation being needed to support it and go forward. To help make the entire process of the film go forward, money will be needed and so stakeholders will have to be put in place for this to happen. To get stakeholders, various pitches will have to be arranged to companies explaining what the films about, characters, cast etc. It's also pitched to groups of the public, trying to determine that it will either;

1. Be successful.
2. Will it appeal to the approached target audience.

2. Distribution
·        Unique selling points
·        Costs
·        Case studies
·        Trailer Conventions
·        Marketing Strategy

The next stage is distribution  and this involves the whole marketing and advertising side of making a film. This very much links in with finance, where the advertising and marketing aspects are all influences by how much money the project has. This will include trailers, posters and test screening all features included in making a successful film.
Before a marketing strategy can take place though, unique selling points will have to be in place to attract people to the film. This can be displayed none more so that through the cast which holds massive dividance to the success of the film. The cast are who will attract people to the film , and along with good plot selling points and a lot of money can result in only financial success.

·        Cinema screens
·        Mode
·        Exit Polls
·        Audience figures
·        Audience Stratification

The exhibition stage focuses after the release of the film and the facts and figures. The data collected focuses on a number of things including, how they heard about the film, the best of the part film, what attracted them to go see it. From here the companies of the film can see whether the film for the audience has been a success, and for many films results in perhaps a sequel or even prequel.

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