
2.How effective is the combination of your main task and ancillary texts?

The main aim of the project was to complete a group trailer with a matching individual poster and magazine cover. From the outset it was clear that for each of these trying to indulge the target audience would be key to the success, with me producing a group trailer, poster and magazine cover that was easily decidable by the target audience and therefore understood within a set genre.

After gaining a plot/storyline for the trailer, we thought as a group it would be best to complete the trailer first in order for us to have more time and a stronger understanding when producing the ancillary tasks. The main aim for the trailer was to produce something that a target audience would want to go see holding specific genre characteristics and understanding.
The target audience we chose to tackle would be of a British audience aimed towards ages 18-25 with no specific gender target. The reasons for this was mainly down to the actors and storyline, as we wanted to create something that the audience in one way or another could relate to, whether it be actors of their culture, age or perhaps the aspects of the story.

Within our trailer two main characters were used throughout, the main character Rob and the drug dealer Daryl. With this in mind, it was expected that these two characters were to be used for advertising and marketing purposes which in this case are the ancillary texts.
Within the trailer the genre was 'Romantic/drama' and therefore I needed my ancillary texts to match this. For my poster I used Rob as this was the product related to the film the most, with the magazine cover reflecting Daryl played by Tyler Andrews. To form a relative combination between the film I tried to incorporate aspects from the trailer onto the poster and magazine cover. There were many aspects that I need to match between the trailer and these in order for the combination to be effective. These were;

·        Font
·        Actors
·        Characters
·        Clothing
·        Colour
·        Actors Name

By matching the font, it allows the decoders to make an effective combination between the ancillary texts and trailer providing an effective combination between the two. Therefore seeing this font constantly within the advertising, they can make. A film that has done this very well with is Harry Potter which font and title is used throughout all aspects of the media, whether it be the trailer, poster or title sequence.

Here demonstartes the same font used throughout (Click to enlarge)

Like talked about previously I decided to use 2 characters for the advertising and marketing of the main task and ancillary texts. Furthermore I decided to use different characters in each ancillary text as I felt this would bolster the advertisement campaign, with the audience seeing information surrounding Daryl as well as Rob.  With this challenging the normal form and convention for advertising and marketing, it was important both characters met the genre and appealed to the target audience like they did within the trailer. If this wasn't the case the ancillary texts would be useless and would completely bare no relation to the trailer.

Here shows the two different characters (Actors) used within the ancillery texts.
(Click to enlarge)

Staying on the topic of characters, another aspect used for this combination between the main task and ancillary texts was the clothing. A felt when making our trailer, the clothing used throughout was quite specific and therefore became a common attribute throughout. With that in mind, in order for the decoder to combine the ancillary text and trailer together, I used the characters same clothes within the poster and magazine cover. Within the trailer, Rob is seen a number of times wearing a grey jumper and jeans, with Daryl in a long trench coat. Furthermore, I made sure when taking my shots for the ancillary texts that they were both wearing these.

Here shows the clothing used for Rob. (Click to enlarge)

Here shows the clothing used for Daryl. (Click to enlarge)

The next aspect that needed to compensate well together was the colour. Colour is a massive way people can be draw into something and none more so than with film advertisement. Concentrating mainly on the trailer and poster, I needed to find a set of colours that were used regularly within the trailer and therefore could be used for the poster. When making the trailer we used black/white to demonstrate the 'past', giving the audience an idea of how Rob was before Alice died. With that in mind, I decided to make my poster black and white with the cheeky smile in the image reflecting how he was before she died. Along with this I used the red writing to show the quotation of the film, using three colours that I felt complemented each other well. I believed with this being a vital form and convention to the trailer, the poster could benefit from this too, providing two overall products that combine and reflect well using the characters and storyline.

Here shows the images of the film ion black and white, with below showing the
 black/white effect used for the poster. (Click each to enlarge).

Regarding the magazine covers colour, I aimed down a different route and wanted to provide an eye-catchy product that stands out in the shelves. With the magazine not being part of the films main advertisement, I felt the magazine wouldn't reflect solely on the film and more of a normal film magazine. Taking this further I wanted to use bold colours and therefore used blue, red and black to produce a film cover that would benefit the magazine. Furthermore, I felt this provided an effective combination for the products as it allowed a more realistic view of a magazine cover and how it would look on a magazine cover.

Using forms and conventions as a platform,  I feel the process throughout the production of these tasks has gone very well and I have in-turn, created three products that can relate to the same film  trailer. With this in mind I feel the aspects I used create a combination between all three, which gives a good idea of the genre and target audience of the film, with me therefore feeling that the combination is effective between them.

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