
Monthly diary 25/1/2012

This month has focused mostly on preparation for my magazine cover and poster. I have carried out some research on ‘Trainspotting’ with me carrying out an analysis on the front cover to both a magazine cover and its film poster (will be on blog shortly). This has given me a couple of ideas for my photoshoot that will give me a good looking magazine cover and poster.
I’ve arranged the photoshoot for Monday 30th January, with us hopefully trying to get a couple more clips for our trailer as well as the photos for our covers and posters. This date is out of the boundary I set, however I have an idea in mind and just need the pictures to put in. Hopefully once I have these, I will start the cover and poster and finish in plenty of time.


Poster and Magazine Schedule

Above is my magazine and poster schedule for this year. I aim for the entire process to take just under a month allowing me plently of time to work on my eveluation at the end.

Ive split the entire process into 8 tasks with the evaluation making it 9. By splitting these us gives me small objectives to complete by a certain date giving me plenty of time to finish.

Within this process I have no doubt distrations will hinder the development of the cover and poster. With that in mind, I have added contigency to each task allowing me to not get stressed and cover the time if any distractions and problem do arise.

'Wonderland' Final Trailer

Here is our final media trailer 'WonderLand'.